The BAB Network strengthens and supports its chapters through content, connections and opportunities. Chapters, in turn, help member companies grow their businesses by leveraging network connections across the UK and North America. The BABN also engages with the US and UK governments on a broad range of policy issues impacting the trade of goods and services between the UK and North America. We maintain an ongoing dialogue with the Government on many of these issues and make direct, formal representations to Government on issues of particular concern.
In addition to the benefits that regional BABN chapters offer their members, the BABN offers a variety of business opportunities and services to help their member companies build and manage their business, including exclusive access to:
- The event programs offered by all the BABN’s chapters throughout North America and the UK, providing opportunities to network and develop business with their members.
- Opportunities to promote their company and its services/products to all the BABN’s membership on a year-round basis through the home page of the BABN website, by becoming a BABN Patron; taking out a banner ad, and/or by sponsoring the BABN website.
- The BABN’s J-1 Visa Program, enabling BABN member companies to bring qualified employees and interns from anywhere in the world into the United States for training and employment.