BritishAmerican Business G7 Summit Statement: Principles for International Trade and Cooperation


BritishAmerican Business G7 Summit Statement: Principles for International Trade and Cooperation

8 June 2021
Contact: Dominic Parker, Communications Manager | 020 7290 9882 | +44 7500 115352

London/New York – The 2021 G7 Summit takes place at an important moment for our economies. After the substantial shock of the COVID-19 pandemic, a period of disruption and change, the decisions made at the Summit will be crucial for the recovery of our economies and the world.

This Summit has the unique opportunity to shape the way we cooperate, trade, and deliver prosperity in a sustainable, resilient, and innovative way for years to come.

Our transatlantic business community offers its full support to the G7 Presidency. We believe that trade will play a crucial role in achieving the Presidency’s objectives and the business community is a key stakeholder group.

Leading up to the Summit, we developed three principles for international trade and cooperation that we hope can guide governments in their efforts.


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